Mural Sozial Ökologie, at the Tangente Festival St. Pölten, 2024

Mural Social Ecology, 12 x 23 m, executed in a 3 week camp by ArtEmbassy and team, led by E. Weissenberger,
with ecologically clean colors, at Tangente Festival St. Pölten, Schneckgasse

Monument of Hope, Kick off Event and Exhibition at the "Alte Schieberkammer Schmelz", March 11-17, 2024


Monument of Hope World Tour Kick off 

with Alfred Strigl / Sustainability researcher, Josef C. Karl Pelikan / Chief of Cabinet UNIDO, 

Nora Ruzsics / Artist, Emmerich Weissenberger / Artist, 

Lilian Klebow / Actress, Activist, Martin Essl / Art patron and collector, a.o.

Podiumsdiskussion „Kann Kunst heilen?“ mit Ö1 Radiomoderator Johannes Kaup, Psychotherapeutin Helena Pawloff, Wissenschaftler Alfred Strigl und dem Künstler Emmerich Weissenberger, im Rahmen der Ausstellung Monument of Hope, am 14. 3. 2024 in der Alten Schieberkammer Schmelz

LIFE TOUR 1. Station, Ash Wednesday Action, Feb 17th 2021, Graz

Ash Wednesday Art Action 1. Station "SINN" from norarufilm on Vimeo.

On February 17th, 2021, the life tour began in the St. Andrä art church in Graz with an “Art Ash Wednesday” and the topic “Sense”, especially since “Life” inevitably also includes the topic of “Death”, something that the artist collective ArtEmbassy in the documentation of their impressive art campaign "Dead Cloths" was shown. "I make space for the apparently impossible - in an encounter between art, science, society, spirituality and business," says Weissenberger, who created a "Sinn Wesen Bild" during the event. “Create and Re-Create” is what the interaction between art and society is all about, said Michelangelo Pistoletto in his video message...

Invitation to Salzburg, August 1st-30th, 2020 – Art for a better World

Corona Denkmal, Kollegienkirche Salzburg

Corona Denkmal – Zeichen der Hoffnung, Parlament Wien
Corona Denkmal – Zeichen der Hoffnung, Parlament Wien
Opening on August 4th 11 AM,  M23, Mönchsberg 32, 5020 Salzburg
"Art": Emmerich Weissenberger, Peter Lohmeyer, Martin Essl and Ulli Dirmayer
"Better World": Rector of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Prof. Dr. Hubert Hagenauer, DI Dr. Alfred Strigl (Austrian Institute for Sustainable Development at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna). Participating artists and initiators are present and stand for discussions to disposal.

1 PM, Sacellum, Herbert-von-Karajan-Platz 8, 5020 Salzburg
Art action by Emmerich Weissenberger "TRANSFORMATIVE PAINTING", accompanied by concert guitarist Martina Schäffer playing Ciaccona by J.S. Bach on the ukulele - as a world premiere.

Exhibition at the Clubraum der Kollegienkirche, Wiener Philharmoniker Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg

WEG-KREUZ virtual exhibition of the Hofgalerie Graz, Opening on Maundy Thursday April 9th 2020 at 7:30 AM

Crucifixion #01//10 Stephansdom Action from norarufilm on Vimeo.
The artist Emmerich Weissenberger crucifies himself symbolically on Good Friday 2010 on the St. Stephen’s Cathedral Vienna at a height of 20 metres. He is only wearing a loincloth and his crown is made from barbed wire. Left and right, he is flanked by two shrouds from his series “Anna.Ikona”, the original imprints of two corpses from the Anatomical Institute of the University of Vienna. It is a performance of deep symbolism, on Good Friday, the most important memorial day of the Catholic Church.virtual exhibition tour

ORF - Audience Advisory Board Event, Küniglberg Vienna, November 2019

ORF Wesen  / 2020 / mixed media on oiled paper / 160x110 

ORF - Audience Advisory Board Event in the Large Hall at Küniglberg Vienna.  Emmerich Weissenberger and Nora Ruzsics formulate 5 central positive critical messages that the ORF should realize in its programming, such as courageous television, positive successful relationships, beautiful visions, in the understanding of sustainable development. Weissenberger draws the essence of this meeting on paper.

Invitation to the opening of "Transformation" at the Galerie Ursula Stross in Graz,

Transformation1 / 2018 / mixed media
on oiled paper, gold foil / 140 x 130
Exhibition "Transformation"

Nov 9 - 28th, 2018 at the Galerie Ursula Stross
Joanneumring 6, 8010 Graz

Opening on Friday November 9th 2018 at 6 PM

Invitation to the Exhibition Signale at Steiermarkhof Graz

Awakening 6 / 2008 / oil tempera 
on wood, gold foil / 160 x 130

Opening on Wednesday October 17th 2018 at 7.30 PM

Steiermarkhof, Hofgalerie
Ekkehard-Hauer-Straße 33
8052 Graz

open until December 15th 2018

Ing. Johann Baumgartner, Mas [Kulturreferent des Steiermarkhofs]
Mag. Christopher Drexler [Kulturlandesrat der Steiermark]
Ehrenschutz: DI Josef Riegler [Vizekanzler der Republik Österreich a. D.]

Haus der Philanthropie Wesen, unveiling, June 27th / Börse Vienna

The tactile bronze sculpture "Haus der Philantropie Wesen" was solemnly unveiled on June 27th, Börse / Vienna

SCOPE Basel, June 12-17, 2018

Geist. Awakening 2009 / mixed 
media on canvas / 160×130

"Zero Project Wesen" was unveiled at the UN Vienna, Feb 22nd 2018

Zero Project Wesen / 2017 mixed media on oiled paper,
gold leaf / 130x236

Values - Relationships - Attitudes, Brussels, Sept 28 - Oct 26, 2017

St. Paulus 
Catholic community 
of German language

Avenue de Tervuren 221
1150 Brussels

for appointments & questions 
please contact 
Bettina Vetter +32 471 786 986

The dignity of man is inviolable, it is a birthright. It is a challenge today to emerge from crisis, until the field of dignity and peace is reached, where development is possible. A life in dignity is lived beauty.

"The Essence of the House of Philanthropy" in Vienna, 12 meters long picture of the Foundations, May 22, 2017

Haus der Philanthropie Wesen / 2017 / mixed media on oiled paper, gold and silver foil, steel frame, LED-lighting / 230 x 1200 cm

Emmerich Weissenberger worked with the people of the foundations and institutions of the House of Philanthropy in Vienna - with Zero Project, an initiative of the Essl Foundation, with the People Share Foundation, Ashoka and Blühendes Österreich - in several workshops, in order to essentially perceive each one of them, to get to know their common being, and to be able to display the experienced in a peace of Art. The entire 12 meter frieze is worked out on the original workshop sheets, using red chalk, graphite, oil chalk, gold- and silverleaf and linen oil.

Art Action #09//17 - Las Mercedes Reserva Natural de las Aguas


In the "Magdalena medio" region in Caldas / Central Colombia, not far from the largest river in the country, the Magdalena, nestled in Table Mountains, lies a still forgotten jungle landscape, full of bubbling springs, protected animals and rare plants. Las Mercedes, as this small region is called, forms one of the last intact green corridors from the, still completely untouched, Pacific coast into the Colombian central country, located between the three Andes-Cordillera.
But this gem could be destroyed...!