Invitation to Salzburg, August 1st-30th, 2020 – Art for a better World

Corona Denkmal, Kollegienkirche Salzburg

Corona Denkmal – Zeichen der Hoffnung, Parlament Wien
Corona Denkmal – Zeichen der Hoffnung, Parlament Wien
Opening on August 4th 11 AM,  M23, Mönchsberg 32, 5020 Salzburg
"Art": Emmerich Weissenberger, Peter Lohmeyer, Martin Essl and Ulli Dirmayer
"Better World": Rector of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Prof. Dr. Hubert Hagenauer, DI Dr. Alfred Strigl (Austrian Institute for Sustainable Development at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna). Participating artists and initiators are present and stand for discussions to disposal.

1 PM, Sacellum, Herbert-von-Karajan-Platz 8, 5020 Salzburg
Art action by Emmerich Weissenberger "TRANSFORMATIVE PAINTING", accompanied by concert guitarist Martina Schäffer playing Ciaccona by J.S. Bach on the ukulele - as a world premiere.

Exhibition at the Clubraum der Kollegienkirche, Wiener Philharmoniker Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg